

Flexible, Consistent, and Focused Training  

We live in a world where no one has enough time. We work endlessly and anything that is outside of that takes a back seat. But what about self-improvement? The thing that can actually pave the way to a more successful professional and personal life? This is the main issue that a lot of my clients were facing when I started coaching online years ago.

By using video calls, we’re able to squeeze in our coaching sessions at any moment of the week that best suits us. We get to avoid long drives, traffic jams, parking, and bad weather. Without all these obstacles out of the way, we can achieve truly consistent progress.

The last additional benefit of this is that we can enjoy complete focus and be able to share the same learning material at the same time by sharing the same screen. And on top of that, we keep all our notes and exercises organized and synced using a combination of cloud-based solutions.

Powerful and Natural Conversation-based Education

How do babies learn to communicate? They don’t sit in a classroom with a notebook and a pen, do they? No, they learn by example. They imitate what they see and hear through trial and error, always with the guidance of patient and caring parents. This way the natively acquire all the skills they need.

That’s precisely what we do during our sessions. No old-school grammar tables or you listening to me speak about social strategy for hours without you getting a word in. We work together. Yes, I am your English communication guide, and there’s a pedagogical method to the coaching, it’s not just talking. The “backend” pedagogy that takes place is a combination of over 20 years of educational training and experience for the knowledge part. For the habit-building part, I apply both NLP and CBT techniques.

Through conversation-based exercises, activities, and role-playing, we can achieve even better results than traditional “passive” education. I do most of the heavy lifting of keeping track of and incorporating our educational goals into our conversations, while you enjoy great talks about topics that actually matter to you in your life. Entertaining and science-based education — the fastest and most effective way to learn.

A True Transformation

So what happens when you combine the proper method of learning with real consistency? Real change, that’s what! What makes the happiest is after just a couple of weeks, seeing how my clients’ skills evolve — and not just from my perspective — it’s very rewarding to hear from them how their coworkers, friends, and family can hear and see the difference. How they go from a safe and controlled environment of training with me to the real world and the results instill real confidence in them. And with this newly earned confidence, they start improving their relationships and careers.

Especially since we pay a lot of attention to not just having near-perfect English, but more importantly, how to deliver that English. By practicing not just the linguistic elements, but also rehearsing different professional and personal social situations, my clients are always ready for any social communication challenges. Be it a networking event, a business trip, a first date, or a parent-teacher meeting where they have to deal with native speakers — they’re confident and ready!


Curriculum Outline

Effective communication is the most crucial component of success in both personal and professional realms. As social animals, we rely on it to thrive and build meaningful relationships and careers. However, being effective while finding a balance between honesty and empathy can be a daunting task. Especially when dealing with diverse teams spanning different countries, cultures, and generations. But don’t despair! With consistent practice supported by an experienced coach, it is entirely possible to master confident Interpersonal English Communication skills.

Below are some of the main Interpersonal and Advanced English communication topics we’ll cover based on your personal needs through the fun and effective TGC conversation-based coaching methodology.

Social Communication Subjects

  • Social Dynamics: The Conversational Framework, Framing & High-Value Techniques, Expectation Management, Showcasing Confidence, Social Calibration

  • Active Listening Techniques: The 3Ps Model

  • Content Delivery Techniques: Conciseness, Improvisation & Elaboration (answering under pressure and/or unprepared)

  • Networking Techniques: Venues and Events, Cold Approach, First Impressions, and Closing the Deal

  • Interview & Negotiation Techniques: Preparation, Opportunity Windows, When to Walk Away, Agreeing & Disagreeing Effectively, Competition into Cooperation / Opponents into partners

  • Cross-Cultural & Inter-Generational Techniques: Tactful & Efficient Communication

  • Leadership Communication Techniques: Persuasion, Influence, Storytelling, Motivation, Pro-activity Fostering, Employer/Employee Management

  • Rapport Building & Maintainance Techniques: Emotional Bids, Mirroring & Empathy for Social Strategy

  • Telepresence Techniques: Speech, Video Scripting, On-camera Training, and Video Conferencing

  • Conflict & Feedback Resolution: Professional Boundary Setting, Dealing with Challenging and Irrational Behavior and Situations (Personality Types and Strategies)


Advanced English Communication Subjects

  • Advanced Grammar & Syntax: Complex grammatical structures and how to use them correctly in written and spoken English

  • Idiomatic Expressions: Controlled practice to understand and use common idioms and colloquialisms in English based on your region

  • Colloquial Vocabulary Building: Expansion of your English vocabulary by learning new words and phrases and how to use them appropriately in the correct circumstances

  • Phonetics, Accent Reduction & Pronunciation: Work on reducing your accent and improving your pronunciation to make your spoken English clearer, easier to understand, and with better “flow”

  • Business/Technical English: Specific technical or business-related vocabulary and phrases along with use cases

  • Advanced Reading and Writing Skills: Reading comprehension and writing abilities in written English. Preparation, principles, guidelines, formality & styles, including writing clear and well-structured essays and reports